Creativity is central to being human. Religion has often thought of God as the only creator, but creativity also happens outside the religious context. This speaker series explores the spirit of creativity from non-religious perspectives as significant leaders in the arts - dance, theatre, painting, poetry and music - share their own sense of the spirit of their art. About Kate Braid: Kate has written, edited and co-edited 10 books of poetry and non-fiction about subjects from Georgia O'Keeffe, Emily Carr and Glenn Gould, to mine workers and fishers, as well as writing a memoir, Journeywoman: Swinging a Hammer in a Man’s World, about her 15 years as a carpenter. Her poetry has won and been nominated for a number of awards – local, provincial and national – and her essays and poems are widely anthologized. In 2012 she was recognized as a Remarkable Woman of the Arts in Vancouver, BC and was writer-in-residence at Mabel Dodge Luhan House in Taos, New Mexico. More at