Our location in the beauty and serenity of the Pacific Spirit Forest keeps the people of St. Anslem's ever mindful of the majesty of creation all around us, whether we are walking to church through the forest of participating in outdoor celebrations or worship on our grounds.
Community Garden: Our community garden has been a great success with many participants, mostly from the UEL. St. Anselm’s supplied the start up funds and a lot of elbow grease and also received a grant from VanCity.
UHill PreSchool has a plot and are using it to teach the children where their food comes from. The children see how certain vegetables are grown from seed to harvest and love eating what they have grown.
Our community garden is an outreach to people living in the area who live mainly in apartments and would like a small piece of land to experience the joy of growing and eating their own wholesome food. One of the greatest rewards is seeing families work together in their garden plot - the picture of sustainable living and respect for God's creation. Contact the church office for info.
Building & Grounds: Volunteer gardeners help beautify the grounds and memorial garden. Volunteers are also needed for seasonal clean ups, setting up for special events and other skilled maintenance work. Contact: Doug Chivers at dougachivers@gmail.com