Saturday, February 14 from 3 to 5:30 pm is our next Messy Church.
Wednesday February 18 is Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. St. Anselm's is inviting all the churches from the West Point Grey ministerial to attend our service that evening. Please return last year’s palm crosses to be burnt for ashes prior to Ash Wednesday.
Our Annual Meeting will be on Sunday February 22 after a shortened worship service and potluck. You are invited to bring food to share: sandwiches, cheese and crackers, or other finger food that does not need utensils (for easy clean up!)
Our Art and Spirit series will take place on Wednesday evenings during Lent:
Feb 25 Karen Jamieson - dance
March 4 Landon MacKenzie - painting
March 11 Christopher Gaze - theatre
March 18 Jane Coop - piano
March 25 Kate Braid - novelist.
Please consider sponsoring the speaker series or an individual speaker with a donation of $250 to receive:
- Dinner with a speaker
- Acknowledgement at the event
- Acknowledgement in the program
…and our eternal gratitude
May God bless you and all whom you love,
Peg G
for St. Anselm's Parish Council