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During October, St. Anselm's honoured our Neighbourhood Ministry to the Homeless with a month long celebration.

Each week we focused ona different aspect of the ministry. Members of the Indoor, Outdoor and MCU teams told us of their experience of this mnistry and were recognized for their service, from one member who has been part of the Outdoor Team for the entire 10 years, to members of the newest ministry, the Mobile Care Unit. 

All month long we collected cold weather items for our street friends—sleeping bags, blankets, tarps, thermal sleeping pads, waterproof size 9-15 men's shoes/boots, men's rain coats and sweaters. They were arranged into a beautiful display at the altar by our amazing Altar Guild. Thanks to everyone for your donations.

Many members of the parish were on hand for the Neighbourhood Ministry Benefit Concert, held on October 14 at St. Philip's Dunbar.featuring Rebecca Jenkins and Joel Bakan and Pro Bono Publicum and Friends. This Jazz concert was a benefit for the Neighbourhood Ministry.

On the final Sunday of the month, we received a special commendation from Archbishop Melissa, the text of which is reproduced below.

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Grace and peace in JesusChrist.

I have the pleasure of writing to you today to offer my best wishes and join with you in thanksgiving for the wonderful work and witness you have given to the Neighbourhood Ministry over the last ten years. Packing, supplying, praying, and feeding those who call our streets home is an important mnistry in our church, one that Jesus reminds us is imortant to our life as followers of his.

As you gather today to reflexct on the last ten years, to celebrate the contributions you have made, and look to the future of what this ministry means for our parish at UBC and West Point Grey, I am with you in spirit offering thanks and celebrating your achievements.

May your ministry in this place continue to flourish.

With Gratitude,
The Most Revd Melissa M. Skelton
Metropolitan, Eclessiastical Province of BC and Yukon
Bishop of New Westiminster