Life- learning to involve ourselves in fellowship to evangelize (tell the world) about the Gospel of Christ.
We are meant for community, and in community we find friends new and old to help us along this pilgrimage of life. We believe in asking the big questions here at St. Anselm's, and those questions can take many different avenues. For some, it is study, for others it is action, for others it is contemplation. We have life groups that cover many stages in our life journey, so sign up via the office or after church on Sunday for more information.
- A community of supportive, inquisitive, friends seeking the same thing as you
- You wont be asked to pray out loud
- No previous faith experience is required
- A place where there are no stupid questions. Everything's on the table.
- A place to deepen and explore your faith, while staying connected to a group of people who will pray with and for you when life needs it.
- Life groups meet all over the parish, some in our homes, some in public cafes, some at the church. Each group coordinator will let you know where you meet and when.
- Alot of fun, good people, good food, and new friends!
Pilgrim- Exploring our faith in conversation and community through scripture, prayer and questions. Email Rev. Alex for details
Speaking Spiritually: Listening for God- Email Tim Cheek for details
Knitting for others: Clothing the Neighbourhood- Email Andrew Wilson for details
Bigger Screen: Seening God with bigger eyes- Movies and Scripture- Email Rev. Hyok for details
Weekly Bible Study: Email Shirin for more details
The Gospels call us into community as we seek and wonder in pilgrimage on the road we call life. Join with us, its more fun together! All are welcome, wherever you are in your journey.