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Lent is a 40 day season of reflection and preparation before the festival of Easter. Christians reflect on and emulate Jesus Christ's sacrifice and withdrawal into the desert for 40 days. 

We are offering two programs to help you deepen your experience of Lent this year. Please ses the sign up sheets in the Narthex or email the office for more information. All are welcome! 


Reconciliation: The Archbishop of Canterbury's 2019 Lent Book

Global in scope, but focusing right down on the rqle of ordinary people in conflict and violence, Reconciliation explores both the positives of multiculturalism and the challenges of accepting difference. This book issues a vibrant call to the church to maintain and strengthen relationships locally, amongst members, clergy and laity; to cross borders to build relationships between different denominations, and to maintain open attitudes towards our neighbors from other religions and ideologies. Forty biblically-based meditations, with questions for reflection, are offered for use at weekly gatherings or for everyday devotion during Lent, on topics including impediments to reconciliation, risking the self, humility, and radical openness to the other. The Book is available from the church ($15) or at bookstores. 

The Way of The Cross

Lent provides us a space to pray and explore the sacred pilgrimage of Christ on the way to the cross. Offered weekly via email, this Anglican devotional practice will help us see and know more deeply the humanity of this way, and our call to follow it in our everyday life. No previous experience is required. Rosaries are available if you do not have one.