Come and walk with us as we experience the holiest week of our lives here at St. Anselms. We gather as a community to pray and experience the depths and power of the last days of Jesus life. There are lots of opportunities for you to be present in this week with us. Come for one, or stay for them all.
Palm Sunday- April 9, 2017- Jesus enters into Jerusalem for the last time
Chrism Mass- April 11, 2017- Blessing of Holy Oils with the Bishop at Christ Church Cathedral
Maundy Thursday- April 13, 2017- Jesus institutes the Eucharist at the Last Supper
Good Friday- April 14, 2017- Jesus is Crucified
Holy Sautrday- April 15, 2017- The Great Vigil in Anticipation of Easter
Easter Sunday- April 16, 2017- The Day of Ressurection